UniGo 7006 Kit 1

Product Number: 03-04-002

$ 627.73 Ex. VAT

• Download data via USB cable and USB flash key.
• 10 Hz GPS
• IMU for 3D tracking
• Humidity from GPS module
• Flexible inputs
• Multiple temp. inputs
• Air pressure sensor
• Built-in acc/gyro
• Expandable with UniBox

Included with Kit 1:


SKU: 03-04-002 Category: Tag:


30 years of experience makes this the ultimate Laptimer.
We have included a bunch of new features, and improved several features from the previous UniGo series.

Several communication channels enables you to talk to the Laptimer in many ways. USB cable or USB flash key to download data for Unipro Analyser.
Sensors can be connected directly and now it is possible to connect for instance throttle and brake sensors directly thanks to the Flex input.

The included analysis software provides a complete overview which enables you to compare results between drivers, training sessions, and heats. It even syncs with video from your GoPro camera.